二手 AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Producer III #149570 待售


ID: 149570
晶圓大小: 12"
優質的: 2002
CVD system, 12" Process: BPSG Wafer shape: SNNF Chamber A: SACVD-TWIN Chamber B: SACVD-TWIN Line voltage: 200 / 208 VAC Line frequency: 60 Hz Phase: 3 phase AC P/N: 0180-01905 EMO switch type: turn to release EMO Smoke detector: no Chamber A: BPSG Controllers: Chamber set interface: yes SPX MUXADIO110: yes Chamber set power supply: yes Chamber set interconnect assembly: yes GP SPX MUXADIO110: yes GP interface BD: yes Other controller: WATLOW temperature controller: yes Heater RF filter: yes EV manifold: yes Thermocouple: yes 5 phase lift driver UDK5214NW oriental motor: yes Heater lift assembly: Heater base: yes Lead screw assembly: yes Motor: yes Heater lift bellows: yes Lift pin assembly: Lift pin assembly: yes Lift ceramic ring: yes Lift pin bellows: yes Remote clean: ASTRONex FI80131 RPS Transformer: JEFFERSON ELECTRIC POWERFORMER outdoor N0101 type 3R U/L, CAT number: 211-0111-120: yes Fore line assembly: Throttle valve: yes Isolation valve: yes Pirani gauge: yes Heating jackets: yes RGA port NW25: yes Fore lines: yes Pressure gauge: MKS 629B13TBC, 1000 torr: yes MKS 627A-12338, 20 torr: yes MKS 51A13TCA2BA640 ATM switch: yes Chamber B: BPSG Controllers: Chamber set interface: yes SPX MUXADIO110: yes Chamber set power supply: yes Chamber set interconnect assembly: yes GP SPX MUXADIO110: yes GP interface BD: yes Other controller: WATLOW temperature controller: yes Heater RF filter: yes EV manifold: yes Thermocouple: yes 5 phase lift driver UDK5214NW oriental motor: yes Heater lift assembly: Heater base: yes Lead screw assembly: yes Motor: yes Heater lift bellows: yes Lift pin assembly: Lift pin assembly: yes Lift ceramic ring: yes Lift pin bellows: yes Remote clean: ASTRONex FI80131 RPS Transformer: JEFFERSON ELECTRIC POWERFORMER outdoor N0101 type 3R U/L, CAT number: 211-0111-120: yes Fore line assembly: Isolation valve: yes RGA port NW25: yes Pressure gauge: MKS 629B13TBC, 1000 torr: yes MKS 627A-12338, 20 torr: yes MKS 51A13TCA2BA640 ATM switch: yes Gas panel and pallet: Mainframe type: Producer III 12" Gas feed (top): yes System cabinet exhaust (top): yes MFC: Celerity UFC 8160 metal digital MFC's: yes LFM: STEC HORIBA LF-A410A-EVD 7.0: yes STEC HORIBA LF-A410A-EVD 1.5: yes STEC HORIBA LF-A310A-EVD 0.5: yes Injection valve: STEC HORIBA: yes Valve: FUJIKIN 5 RA max: yes Filter: MILLIPORE 5 RA: yes MYCROLIS O3 GS line: yes SLD (single line drop): no SLD valve type: FUJIKIN diaphragm: yes Veriflo 10 RA regulator: yes MKS LDMB12PA2CC1 transducer with display: yes Smoke detector photohelic: yes Generic facilities / scrubber interface: yes Facilities interlock indicator: no Interface output (fault): yes Display gas pallet: yes Chamber A gas pallet: SA-BPSG Liquid 1: TEOS 7.0 G, LF410A-EVD Liquid 2: TEOS 0.5 G, LF310A-EVD Liquid 3: TEOS 1.5 G, LF410A-EVD 1: O3 2: O2, 30 slm 3: N2 purge 4: NF3, 5 slm 5: N2, 3 slm 6: AR, 10 slm 7: 8: N2, 30 slm 9: HE, 30 slm 10: N2 purge Chamber B gas pallet: SA-BPSG Liquid 1: TEOS 7.0 G, LF410A-EVD Liquid 2: TEOS 0.5 G, LF310A-EVD Liquid 3: TEOS 1.5 G, LF410A-EVD 1: O3 2: O2, 30 slm 3: N2 purge 4: NF3, 5 slm 5: N2, 3 slm 6: AR, 10 slm 7: 8: N2, 30 slm 9: HE, 30 slm 10: N2 purge System placement: stand alone EV mainfold: yes System controller: Facilities UPS interface: yes MF controllers: Chamber set interface: yes SPX MUXADIO110: yes Maintenance switch: yes MF DC power supply assembly: yes VME rack: 1: SBC 15: serial / video 16, 17: HDD 19, 20: FDD DVD: yes FDD: yes Load locks: Load lock lift assembly: Motor Lead screw assembly Bellows Lid assembly: Wafer sliding sensor Lid cover Fore line assembly: Isolation valve Fore lines LL door assembly: VAT valve assembly Slit valve assembly: slit valve with Kalrez seal Transfer chamber (buffer): Robot type: VHP dual Wafer sensing type: wafer pocket sensor EDWARDS IPX100 pump Isolation valve Pirani gauge RGA port, NW25 Fore lines Slit valve assembly: Slit valve with Kalrez seal Assembly Signal lamp tower: Tower locations: front and rear mounted Lamp colors: red, amber, green blue Number of lamps per tower: (4) Fab interface: standard GEM interface Factory interface: Front end interface: 12" FI 2 load ports Path through: yes Robot type: NEWPORT KENSINGTON POD 1 and 2 Facility: mainframe gas lines MF N2 regulation: regulated 80 PSI Remote systems: HX 300 W/C heat exchanger: yes HX 300 chiller for ozonator: yes System monitors: Monitor type: VGA with light pen, through the wall 2002 vintage.
AMAT/APPLIED MATERIALS Producer III是為半導體工藝研發而設計的反應堆設備。AMAT Producer III提供高質量的處理結果,同時提供卓越的過程控制。它設計為易於設置和維護,允許用戶在進程之間快速過渡。APPLIED MATERIALS PRODUCER III是一個高精度的系統,提供了一系列的能力,使其適合於從外延到納米技術的應用。特點包括溫度範圍大、精確壓力控制、多級泵送以及使用實時數據采集。該裝置提供高溫沈積和蝕刻處理,溫度可達1100 °C。這使得它適合於生產化合物半導體,如氮化​​氙(GaN)和砷化鋁氙(AlGaAs)。Producer III包括一個石英晶體微平衡(QCM)來監測膜厚度,精度為0.2nm。這有助於精確沈積厚度在納米範圍內的薄膜。AMAT/APPLIED MATERIALS Producer III還提供了一系列先進的過程控制功能,包括實時監測過程參數如溫度、壓力和總氣流的能力。該機器包括一個放熱調節器,用於監測每個級別的溫度,以確保生產得到優化。這有助於確保每個流程周期的重復和穩定性能。AMAT Producer III的熱能力也非常適合環境壓力幹蝕刻。這涉及使用射頻功率在高溫下去除材料,從而實現精確的蝕刻輪廓和輪廓,而不會出現蝕刻不足的情況。該設備提供了多種工藝選擇,包括能夠在受控大氣中退火特性,以及執行選擇性區域蝕刻處理。APPLIED MATERIALS PRODUCER III是一個強大的工具,它提供了一系列的過程功能,允許用戶探索廣泛的應用程序,而無需投資於多個沈積和蝕刻系統。它非常適合研究和半導體級處理應用,因為它具有高精度、重復性和快速周轉時間。