二手 LAM RESEARCH Sabre 3D #9269753 待售

ID: 9269753
Plating system, 12"
Process: RDL
Operating system: Windows XP
Front end and back end robot
Wafer aligner
CDM for APT module
CDM for XMM module
PPT Module (2/4)
Plate A duet (1/2)
Bath module 1
Plate A flow distribution (1/2)
PMA Bath configuration: AANN
CE System settings:
Pod loader with buttons and lights-PS
Notch wafer, 12"
Standard polarity
Signal tower
EIOC Support
Advanced FA GEM and data server
HSMS Host connection
SEMI E84 Automated material handling system
Wafer history
Proteus configuration
Facilities chemical interface
Single arm front end robot
Dual arm back end robot
Real time clock timestamp source
Wafer aligner
CWS Wafer size detection
Single clamshell lift controller
CE Module front end settings:
IOC Type: Ethernet based IOC
(25) Wafers per cassette
SEMI E84 Automated cassette transfer
Active wafer centering
CA Event mode
(3) Load ports
Traverser (slide axis) vacuum robot
Ethernet pod loader communication
Extended fix loader command mode
With pod present sensor
Standard fix loader hardware
With pod present sensor
Default AMHS setting
Serial Port RFID communication
PPT2 AWC Enabled checking firmware
Robot pod loader map source
Pod loader, 13"
CE Module CDM for APT module:
ADM Process delivery: DI Process
CE Module CDM for XMM module:
PCDM Module type: SRD Configuration module
CE Module PPT module 2:
Notch wafer, 13"
Post treatment PPT module
PPT Tank type: ADM Process DI
Super cell configuration: SRD
Valve position sensors
DI Flow meter
CE Module PPT module 4:
Notch wafer, 13"
Post treatment PPT module type
Super cell configuration: SRD
Active Wafer Detection (AWD)
Valve position sensors
DI flow meters
N2 Dry
CE Module plate A duet 1 and 2:
Notch wafer, 13"
Cup and contact rinse
Separate Anode Chamber (SAC): Cascade
Serial plating power supply control
Single power supply
Cell flow meters: 5 to 50 Liters
Valve position sensors
SAC Flow meter
Standard SAC pump
CE Module bath module 1:
Chemical Monitoring System (CMS)
Enhanced CMS command set
Copper chemical package
Multi species dosing algorithm
(5) Species
Separate Anode Chamber (SAC): Cascade
Chemistry tray container bottles
(3) Organic dosing containers
NESLAB Heater chiller
VMS Facility request channel 1
Pump organic dose delivery
Dose pump flow switch
Central recirculation pump
Renner recirculation pump
Bath module 1
CE Module plate-A flow distribution 1 and 2:
FDM Flow meter: 0 to 80 LPM
Independent FDM pump
Central recirculation pump
No PMB Bath
2017 vintage.
LAM RESEARCH Sabre 3D是一種高速直寫電子束光刻設備,能夠產生尺寸小至30納米的三維結構。它使用了一種獨特的、正在申請專利的無場電子束源,使其在速度、分辨率和模式保真度方面具有無與倫比的性能。佩刀3 D系統由真空室、電動級和晶圓架、電子束源、成像單元和控制計算機組成。真空室創造出高真空的氣氛(~ 10-9 torr),這是電子束不受阻礙地向晶片傳播所必需的。電動級將樣品晶片放置在腔室中,晶片支架將晶片固定到位。電子束在無場電子柱中生成並加速,使場散射和偏轉最小化。光束通過電光成像機,將圖樣成像到晶圓上。該工具還包括一臺控制計算機,該計算機對成像資產和晶圓級提供必要的信號處理和控制,並鏈接到設備特定的模式生成器。這允許用戶定義所需的模式並將它們輸入到模型中。用戶可以使用控制計算機上直觀的圖形用戶界面輕松操作和校準設備。LAM RESEARCH Sabre 3D系統能夠在任何材料(包括半導體級材料)制成的晶片上成像非常高分辨率的圖樣。它還具有高達15 keV的聚焦電子束能量和高達100nA的束電流,模式寫入速度高達175晶圓/小時。這允許創建特征大小小至30 nm的三維結構。Sabre 3D單元是研發新材料和制造工藝的寶貴工具,特別是那些涉及納米級結構的材料和制造工藝。這臺機器提供了經濟高效、高性能的解決方案,以應對原子精確制造帶來的挑戰。它是需要極致精度和速度的研究人員和制造商的理想選擇。