二手 HELLER 1826 MK 5 #9162527 待售
![HELLER 1826 MK 5 圖為 已使用的 HELLER 1826 MK 5 待售](https://cdn.caeonline.com/images/heller_1826-mk5_705212.jpg)
ID: 9162527
Reflow oven
1808 MK5 Ultra low power consumption
Convection reflow oven
With peripheral draw heater modules
Nitrogen ready
Mesh conveyor
Wide heater modules: 42"
Wide product on the mesh belt: 34"
Wide woven mash belt: 34"
Mesh belt for process: Up to (65) products per hour
Product size: 33” x 38”
On load conveyor: 18"
Off load conveyor: 18"
Heated tunnel length: 105"
(2) Internal cooling zones: 30"
(16) Independent temperature controlled heating zones: 350°C
Lead free
Spike zone design
Computer control system includes:
Flat panel color monitor
Profile storage/overlay:
Profile graph storage: Up to 500 graphs
Profile graph overlay of benchmark profile with current profile
Profile graph phase shifting to align two graphs
Moveable slope window providing average
Slope over given portion of graph
(6) color graphics to distinguish between graphs
PID Temperature control to ensure
Zone temperature stability: +/- 1°C
Signal light tower to indicate system status
(4) Moveable casters for easy relocation around shop floor
Power controlled clamshell hood lift
Single exhaust port for easy facilitation
Power: 480 V, 60 HZ, 3 phase, 100 AMPS per phase
Conveyor travel: Left to right
Enhanced frame design
Electrical interface: Up and down stream
Battery back-up of computer, controller & edge
Hold conveyor
Computer fan speed control of heater module
Blowers (groups; zones top, bottom & reflow zones)
2015 vintage.
HELLER 1826 MK5 Reflow烤箱是專門為無鉛焊接而建造的。這款新一代烤箱采用高性能組件制造,旨在無縫集成到現有生產線和工藝中,同時提供最高水平的準確性和可重復性。小巧高效的設計提供卓越的散熱性能和優異的效果。1826 MK5 Reflow烤箱采用7區底部加熱器陣列,通過固態繼電器與熱電偶控制的PID溫度控制器進行加熱。這允許精確和可重復的回流輪廓,同時使用更少的功率和提供一個低溫增量跨熱室。該機組配備了一個5區頂側對流風扇,該風扇采用強制熱空氣在整個熱室中均勻、一致地分配熱量。頂端風扇也可根據PCB的尺寸和厚度以及焊膏的類型和復雜性進行調節。HELLER 1826 MK5 Reflow Oven專為實現最大的工藝控制和可重復性而設計,具有緊湊且節省空間的設計,同時仍能提供一致而精確的結果。它也是為方便起見而設計的,因為它可以集成到現有線路中,使用其板載配置文件進行快速設置和轉換。烤箱還包括幾個安全功能,如過溫警報、溫度驗證、門鎖和自動關閉。1826年 MK5 Reflow Oven還具有可編程的多級坡道速率,使用戶能夠根據所需的熱剖面準確定義單坡道、多坡道和組合坡道速率。此功能可精確控制輪廓時間和溫度。此外,該裝置采用熱穩定平臺,在烤箱的每個區域都具有精確的溫度調節和可重復性。總體而言,HELLER 1826 MK5 Reflow烤箱是一款先進的下一代烤箱,可幫助確保無鉛焊接,提供卓越的散熱性能、卓越的精度和卓越的可重復性,從而獲得一致、可靠的結果。該裝置是任何生產線尋找更精確的回流烤箱與緊湊的設計的理想選擇。