二手 HITACHI S-3500N #9046383 待售


ID: 9046383
SEM Resolution: 3.0nm at 25kV, secondary electron image 20nm at 3kV, secondary electron image 4.5nm at 25kV, backscattered electron image Magnification: x15 - x300,000 (65 steps) Accelerating voltage: 0.3 - 30kV Variable pressure range: 1 - 270Pa High and low vacuum operation Backscatter electron detector Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDS) Orientation Imaging Microscopy (OIM) Tungsten filaments Optics: Filament – pre-centered tungsten hairpin Gun bias – self bias and continuously variable bias Accelerating voltage: 10-30 kV Emission current: 10-12 to 10-7 Gun alignment: 2-stage electromagnetic alignment Condensers lens: 2-stage electromagnetic condenser Objective lens: super conical lens Objective lens aperture: 4 opening moveable aperture Stigmator coil: 8-pole electromagnetic X/Y correction for astigmatism Image shift: +/- 20 microns or more (for working distance 15 mm) Specimen stage: Large-size eucentric stage Movement range: 80mm x 40 mm Tilt angle: 0° to +60° Rotation angle: 360° Image Display: Secondary electron Scanning modes: TV scan, slow scan (4 steps), selected area scan, waveform, photo scan (4 steps), split screen and dual screen Data display: accelerating voltage, magnification, micron scale, micron value, film number, working distance, value, time/date, photo magnification, detector Data entry; input through full key board (alphabetic characters numerics and symbols) Graphic input: straight lines, circles arrows etc. Image memory: Display (640 x480) High resolution (1280 x 960) Ultra-high resolution (2560 x 1920) Computer system: Hitachi soft-ware on Compaq PC with Windows 95, Pentium 160 MB processor Hitachi software Quartz PCI – imaging program Auxiliary computer for EDS system – Dell, Intel Pentium Two direct drive vacuum rotary vacuum pumps – Hitachi brand Type VR16LPP 50 Hz, 60 Hz Displacement 140, 160l/min Ultimate pressure – 10-2 Pa 6W Infared Chamberscope Components: EDS system: PGT OPH045-1038 Backscattered detector BSD system: Robinson Computer system uses zip drives for downloading data, not USB Original manuals and two Wehnelt cylinders.
HITACHI S-3500N掃描電子顯微鏡(SEM)是一種功能強大的儀器,為分析各種材料提供高精度和分辨率。它能夠產生有機和無機樣品的詳細圖像,放大倍數可達10萬倍。顯微鏡設計有自動化導航系統和低能環境室,可以對甚至復雜的樣品進行高分辨率的簡化和分析。利用電子光學器件和內置的能量色散X射線探測器,S-3500N提供了無與倫比的精度和速度在明暗場掃描。其掃描透射電子顯微鏡(STEM)功能可以方便地檢測光元素和結構特征。此外,顯微鏡可以獲得高對比度、低噪聲的圖像,即使是最復雜的納米結構。HITACHI S-3500N模型還能夠在負染色、高真空、脫水和特殊氣體大氣中執行成像和分析任務。它采用特殊的氣體入口特性,可以控制樣品中各種氣體的引入。此功能結合探測器設計,可生成外延層、絕緣體和半導體中微量元素或局部摻雜物的分析信息。S-3500N是一種用戶友好的儀器,具有直觀的圖形用戶界面。其嵌入式應用套件包括實時過程監控、圖像測量、單粒子分析、光譜成像、egun選擇器等組件。此外,用戶還可以通過範圍的USB接口連接到一系列外部設備,從而可以同時從多個來源獲取圖像和數據。總體而言,HITACHI S-3500N掃描電子顯微鏡是生物醫學研究、半導體工程、微加工和顯微鏡等應用的理想選擇。其強大的成像和分析能力使其成為尋找高質量、準確數據和結果的人的理想工具。