二手 HITACHI S-4800 Type II #9223407 待售


ID: 9223407
優質的: 2005
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) Resolution: Accelerating voltage: 15 kV Working distance: 4 mm to 1.0 nm Accelerating voltage: 1 kV Working distance: 1.5 mm to 2.0 nm Magnification: High magnification mode: 100x to 800000x Low magnification mode: 30x to 2000x Electron optics: Electron gun: Cold cathode field emission type Extracting voltage: 0 to 6.5 kV Accelerating voltage: 0.5 to 30 kV (100 V Steps) Lens: 3-Stage electromagnetic lens, reduction type Objective lens aperture: Movable aperture: 4 Openings selectable / Alignable outside column Self-cleaning thin aperture Electromagnetic astigmatism correction coil Scanning coil: 2-Stages electromagnetic deflection type Specimen stage: X-Traverse: 0 to 110 mm Y-Traverse: 0 to 110 mm Z-Traverse: 1.5 to 40.0 mm Tilt: -5° to 70° Rotation: 360° Specimen size: 6" (Airlock type) Display unit: Display type: Flicker free image on PC monitor Viewing monitor: LCD, 18.1" Type 21 color CRT (1280 x 1024 Pixels) Photo CRT: Ultra-high resolution type Effective field of view: 120 x 90 mm Scanning modes: Normal scan Reduced area scan Line scan Spot analysis Average concentration analysis Split / Dual magnification Scanning speeds: TV: 640 x 480 Pixels display: 25 / 30 flames/s NTSC / PAL Signal Fast: Full screen display: 25 / 30 flames/s Slow: Full screen display: 1/0.9, 4/3.3, 20/16, 40/32, 80/64 s/flame 640 480 Pixels display: 0.5/0.4, 2/1.7, 10/8, 20/16, 40/32 s/flame Photograph: 2560 x 1920 Pixels display: 40/32, 80/64, 160/128, 320/256 s/flame Value of (50 Hz) / (60 Hz) Signal processing modes: Automatic brightness control Gamma control Automatic focus Automatic stigmator Automatic data display: Image number Accelerating voltage Magnification Micron bar Micron value Date/time Working distance Electrical image shift: ±12 um Evacuation system: Type: Fully automatic pneumatic-valve system Vacuum levels: Specimen chamber: 7 x 10-4 Pa Electron gun chamber: IP-1:1 x 10-7 Pa IP-2: 2 x 10-6 Pa IP-3: 7 x 10-5 Pa Vacuum pumps: Electron optical system: (3) Ion pumps Specimen chamber: Turbo molecular pump Oil rotary pump Compressor: Oil-less type Warning devices: Power failure Cooling-water interruption Inadequate vacuum 2005 vintage.
HITACHI S-4800 Type II是一種高級掃描電子顯微鏡(SEM),設計用於提供各種樣品的高分辨率圖像。它是一種通用儀器,可用於失效分析、研究表面微結構、進行樣品成像和分析等廣泛應用。HITACHI S 4800 TYPE II型利用二次電子探測器技術,以高對比度和細節制作樣品的高分辨率圖像。成像系統以場發射槍(FEG)柱為特色,提供了一個亮度非常高、發射率非常低的電子束,使影像解析度得以提高,焦點深度也非常出色。S-4800 II型提供了多種檢測模式,如反向散射電子(BSE)成像、X射線晶體分析、電壓對比度成像和束減速成像。來自FEG柱的電位分辨率為0.5nm,電子束的最大加速電壓為30 kV。SEM還配備了一個高通量的自動化階段,最多可容納30個標本持有者。這樣就可以在整個觀賞區域內快速移動樣本,從而實現高效的SEM操作。此外,S 4800 TYPE II還提供了先進的分析包,允許用戶進行實時元素分析和定量成像。這個系統包括一個冷陰極離子質譜儀(CCIMS),可以同時測量和映射多達五個不同的元素。此外,該設備還配備了數字圖像處理系統,可實現大小和形狀測量、面積分數分析以及Z-map圖像重建等多種圖像轉換。總體而言,HITACHI S-4800 Type II是一種功能強大的掃描電子顯微鏡,旨在滿足需要高質量圖像和增強分析能力的研究人員和工程師的需求。它具有改進的FEG色譜柱、各種成像模式以及用於樣品實時分析的高級分析包。HITACHI S 4800 TYPEII具有如此廣泛的特性,是探索各種材料微觀結構的理想工具。