二手 HITACHI S-8840 #9214004 待售


ID: 9214004
晶圓大小: 6"-8"
優質的: 1997
Critical Dimension Scanning Electron Microscope (CD-SEM), 6"-8" Workstation: Model: B180L Operating system: HP Unix SEMI / JEIDA: Flat / V Notch wafers Measurement method: Curser / Line profile Measurement range: 0.1 ~ 11 µ m Measurement repeatability: ±1% / 2 nm (3s) Throughput: 26 Wafers / Hour Secondary electron image resolution: 5 nm Image magnification: 1,000x ~ 150,000x Measurement points: 1 Point / Chip (5) Chips / Wafer Electron optics system: Electron gun: Schottky emission type Accelerating voltage: 500 to 1300 V Lens system: Electromagnetic condenser lens system and FCM objective lens Secondary electron detection method: 2-Stage electromagnetic deflection Objective lens aperture: Heating type movable aperture with fine adjustment Scanning method: 2-Stage electromagnetic method Astigmatism correction method: 8 Polar electromagnetic method (X and Y axis) Monitor: Faraday cup incorporated with automatic measurement function Optical microscope: 1.2 mm² Visual field, monochrome image Stage: Movement range: X and Y: 0 ~ 200 mm Driving method: Pulse motor Computer controlled operation Speed: Maximum 51 mm/s Wafer transfer robot method: (2) Cassettes random access method Wafer detection inside cassette: Arm type robot Vacuum chucking method Orientation flat / V Notch detection: Non-contact automatic detection method Control and display system: Observation control CRT: EWS (GUI) LCD Monitor Integral processing image display Interactive computer operation Wafer map display Measured value indication Stage coordinate indication Scan mode: TV Scan Raster rotation Auto brightness / Contrast control Image processing: Photographic recording unit Effective visual field 80 x 80 mm Safety device: Mushroom type EMO switch Measurement data processing system: File storing function: 3.5" Floppy disk drive 3.5" Magneto optic disk drive With storage Recording media: Hard disk with EWS 3.5" Magnetic optical disk 3.5" Floppy disk Print output: 80 Digit thermal printer Evacuation system: Method: Automatic dry cleaning evacuation system Vacuum pumps: (3) Ion pumps (2) Turbo molecular pumps (2) Oil rotary pumps Safety devices: Power fail / Vacuum level safety devices 1997 vintage.
HITACHI S-8840是一種掃描電子顯微鏡(SEM),專為精密、高分辨率的應用而設計。HITACHI S8840允許研究微米至亞微米範圍內材料和器件的納米結構。高功率、低壓電子束能夠產生導體、絕緣體和半導體的詳細圖像,分辨率為40 nm,放大倍率範圍為20倍至500 000倍。S 8840配備了先進的技術,可以進行高質量的成像和分析。該顯微鏡利用了低​​的、無損的電子束和先進的信號處理系統,大大減少了圖像失真。強大的信號處理器提供清晰的信噪比,同時提供準確的信號輸出和詳細的3D圖像。S8840還提供了探針探測器的選擇,包括用於獲取高質量視頻圖像的CCD攝像頭和超高靈敏度場發射探測器。低電流檢測器提供高達每秒超過100萬個電子的動態範圍,使用戶能夠檢測到電子束條件的微妙變化。顯微鏡還配備了真空室,能夠保持10⁻⁶bar真空,適用於材料科學和半導體應用。HITACHI S 8840具有用戶友好的圖形用戶界面和全套軟件工具,以及一系列選項和配件,使其適合各種苛刻的應用。顯微鏡支持能量色散X射線光譜(EDS)和能量過濾成像(EFI)進行元素分析和材料元素組成研究。SEM還可用於觀察晶體結構和材料的紋理,從而更好地表征微積木的結構和性能。此外,S-8840提供了一個激光光束感應發光(LBIC)系統,可以對樣品進行目視檢查、對比度增強和自動分析。SEM還配備了用於樣品制備的高精度等離子體蝕刻系統、用於加熱樣品的氣體入口以及輔助樣品操縱和定位的支撐臂。HITACHI S-8840是一種先進的掃描電子顯微鏡,能夠提供高分辨率圖像和有價值的數據分析。它是一種可靠、高性能的儀器,適合廣泛的研究用途。