二手 JEOL JEM 1210 #149958 待售

ID: 149958
優質的: 1994
Transmission electron microscope
For high contrast imaging at low to moderate magnifications (< 100,000x)
Used to image thin (< 200nm) samples of polymers and frozen hydrated solutions (surfactants,colloids, emulsions)
Maximum operating voltage: 120kV
Capable of imaging in high magnification (> 1,000x), low magnification, and diffraction modes
Minimum dose software
Free lens control
On-line measurement capabilities
Conventional imaging and diffraction analysis
Cryo-transfer TEM of frozen hydrated specimens
Low-dose imaging of delicate specimens
Accelerating voltage range 40-120 kV
Resolution 0.20 nm lattice, 0.36 nm point
Magnification from 50x to 800,000x
Graphical user interface with mouse control of most microscope functions
Film sheet type camera (can be upgraded to a digital camera system)
Surrounding structure/desktop
Components to assemble system
Supporting documents, software disks, manual schematics
Tool Box and Manuals
Top Cl Lens
Flex Vacuum Lines
Penning Gauge Head
Pirani Tube, Top Vacuum Manifold
Film Receiving Boxes
Vibration Isolator Block and Air Line
Main Operation Video CRT Monitor
Main Gun lift Assembly
EM 21010 Single Tilt
Specimen Holder
Spare Parts for ACD Heater
Extender PCB
Water Valve
Water Flow Meters
Misc. Parts
Assorted Cables
Cables and Binoculars
Air Compressor
HT Cable and Switch
Grounding Arm and Springs
Gun Lift Arm. Anode Chamber
Gun Ceramic
ACD Tank
Braided Copper
Anode Flexible Vacuum Line
Camera Adapter
Gun Chamber
Always under OEM service contract
De-installed by OEM and stored Q4 2006
1994 vintage.
JEOL JEM 1210是由JEOL Ltd設計制造的掃描電子顯微鏡(SEM)。該SEM利用野外發射槍(FEG)陰極實現高分辨率成像和高倍放大。JEM 1210能夠將電子加速到1.2 kV的能量,最大加速電壓為10 kV。這款EM具有100毫米寬的標本舞臺,配有變焦鏡頭系統,提供10倍至100,000倍的放大倍率範圍。JEOL JEM 1210的電子光學器件提供了極好的分辨率和對比度,由FEG陰極產生的最小光子產生的噪聲和低水平的雜散電子。EM配備了一個數字成像接口,可以獲取樣本的直接數字圖像(全幀或圖塊掃描模式),這些圖像可以使用專用軟件進行分析。JEM 1210配備了最小步長8nm的電動級。這樣可以在需要時進行細微的微觀調整,並能夠對非常小的樣品進行成像。它還具有一個反向散射檢測器(BSD),它提供二次電子信號以增強對微小物體的成像和檢測,以及一個可變壓力檢測器,使儀器能夠在需要時在低真空中拍攝樣品。JEOL JEM 1210除了適用於日常任務外,還能夠執行復雜的多探測器分析,這是一種收集有關樣本的廣泛信息的方法,如組成、元素映射、表面地形、紋理、晶粒大小和形狀。此外,它還能夠檢測到從4keV到10keV的各種能量,從而能夠對各種粒子進行分析,包括一些用其他SEM方法看不到的粒子。在試樣制備方面,JEM 1210配備了兩個原位試樣制備支架,允許溫度控制階段用於加熱和冷卻,以及原位沈積材料。此外,基於最新PC的軟件還提供強大的圖像處理功能,包括圖像組成、亮度和對比度控制、粒子分析、直方圖分析和3D成像。總體而言,JEOL JEM 1210是一種功能強大且用途廣泛的工具,可用於科學家和研究人員的廣泛應用。它具有很高的放大倍率、出色的分辨率和對比度,以及一系列的樣品制備和圖像處理功能。