二手 JEOL JSM 6060LV #293761919 待售

JSM 6060LV
ID: 293761919
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Resolution: High vacuum mode: 3.5 nm (30 kV, 6 mm WD) Low vacuum mode: 4.0 nm (30 kV, 6 mm WD) Electron source: Pre-centered W hairpin filament Magnification: x5 (48 mm WD) to 300,000 (149-Steps) Image modes: Secondary electron image backscattered electron image Detectors: Solid state type Objective lens: Conical lens, WD 6 to 48 mm Objective aperture: 30-Micron, manually centered with OL wobbler Specimen stage: Eucentric goniometer X: 80 mm Y: 40 mm Z: 5 to 48 mm R: 360° (Endless) T: -10 to 90° Image store: 1280 x 960 Pixels Analytical working distance: 10 mm for EDS and standard operation Vacuum mode changeover: Automatic PC interface controlled LV Mode: 10-270 Pa LV Detector: BEI and modes Energy dispersive X-Ray microanalysis: iXRF EDS Elemental analysis system OXFORD INSTRUMENTS Si (Li) X-Ray detector, 10 mm² Resolution (Mn K-Alpha): 130 eV Light element detection (Be-U) Sensitivities: Typically 0.1% - 1% Qualitative analysis Quantitative analysis Digital X-Ray mapping and imaging, X-Ray linescans Accelerating voltage: 0.5 to 30 kV (53-Steps) Probe current: 1 pA to ~1000nA.