二手 PHILIPS / FEI Quanta 200 #293735981 待售

ID: 293735981
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) HTSU Unit non-functional Dual anode source emission geometry Filament lifetime: >100 hours Detectors: Everhardt-Thornley SED Low vacuum SED (LFD) Gaseous SED (GSED) Solid-state BSED Gaseous analytical BSED (GAD) Vacuum system: 240 l/s TMP (2) PVP Beam gas path length: 10/2 mm Chamber: (8) Ports Left to right: 284mm Analytical WD: 10mm EDX Take-off angle: 35° 4-Axis motorized stage: Eucentric goniometer stage X,Y: 50mm Z: 50mm R: 360° Repeatability: 5µm Resolution: 3nm at 30kV (SE) 4nm at 30kV (BSE) 10nm at 3kV (SE) Accelerating voltage: 200 V - 30 kV Probe current: Up to 2µA System control: Keyboard Optical mouse Single frame (4) Quadrant image display (4) Quadrant live Graphical user interface: 32-Bit Operating system: Windows 2000 SP3.