二手 DEK Gemini #9312423 待售

ID: 9312423
Screen printer
Machine alignment capability: >2 Cpk @ ±12.5μm, 6 Sigma
Process alignment capability: >2 Cpk @ ±15μm, 6 Sigma
Core cycle time: 8 secs
Throughput: 300 Boards per hour
Maximum print area: 510 x 508.5 mm
Printer construction: Optimized welded frame
ISCAN Machine control: Motion control using CAN BUS network
Operating system: Windows XP Embedded
Stencil positioning: Automatic loading incorporating squeegee drip tray
Temperature / Humidity sensor monitoring
Operator interface:
Color TFT touch screen display
Mountable on left / right hand side
Hawkeye 750 Digital camera
IEEE 1394 interface
Multi channel
LED Lighting
FOV: 11.3 mm x 8.7 mm
Inspection window: 26 mm²
Camera positioning: Rotary motors and encoders
Resolution: 4 microns
Under stencil cleaning:
Blue under stencil cleaner
Programmable with wet / dry / vacuum wipe with external solvent tank
Transport direction:
Left to right
Right to left
Left to left
Right to right
Substrate handling size:
Minimum: 50 x 40.5 mm
Maximum: 510 x 508.5 mm
Substrate thickness: 0.2 to 6 mm
Substrate warpage: Up to 7 mm including substrate thickness
Substrate fixture: Patented over the top clamps
Substrate handling: Soft rail lift/land, board clamp regulator
Substrate underside clearance: Programmable 3 to 42 mm
Process parameter:
Print pressure: 0 to 20 kg
Print speed: 2 to 300 mm/sec
Print gap: 0 to 6 mm
Substrate separation speed: 0.1 to 20 mm/sec
Distance: 0 to 20 mm
Print modes:
Print / Print
Print / Flood
Flood / Print
Vision system: COGNEX
Fiducial recognition: Automatic fiducial teach
Fiducial capture, 0.1 mm
Fiducials: 2 / 3
Fiducial types: Synthetic fiducial library / Unique pattern recognition
Fiducial size: 0.1 to 3 mm
HawkEye 750
HawkEye 1700: Upgraded camera
Fiducial error recovery:
Auto lighting adjustment
Auto fiducial search
Screen frame size: 736 x 736 mm
Screen frame thickness: 25 to 38 mm
Image position:
Temperature: 10°C to 35°C
Relative humidity (non-condensing): 30% to 70%
Air supply:
To ISO 8573.1
Pressure: 5-8 Bars
Print method:
Paste dispenser
Paste roll height monitor
Printing control:
Recommended stencil frame: Vector guard
Adjustable Stencil Mount (ASM): Range of 305 to 736 mm
Image position: Centre / Front / Custom
Temperature / Humidity sensor monitoring
Handling and cleaner option:
Substrate handling size: 620 x 508.5 mm
Under stencil cleaning: Blue large board cleaner, 580 mm
Power supply:
100-240 Volts ±10%, 50/60 Hz, Single phase
Maximum current at 115 V:
With vacuum pump: 20 Amps
Without vacuum pump: 6 Amps
Maximum current at 230 V:
With vacuum pump: 10 Amps
Without vacuum pump: 3 Amps
External circuit breaker: ≤25 Amps.
DEK Gemini是最先進的網印機類型之一。它旨在盡可能快速、輕松地提供高密度圖像、文本和圖形。此自動絲網打印機經過定制,可提供最高的生產效率,並針對精確打印應用進行了優化。雙子座擁有最先進的印刷機控制設備,可全面控制絲網印刷過程的各個方面。該系統結合了自動和手動校準、圖像定位以及自動和手動選擇打印參數等功能,確保取得最佳效果。DEK Gemini的打印頭位於雙軸x-y控制單元上,可以精確放置和完美配準。機器一次最多可配備四個打印頭,允許進行多次打印操作。該機還裝有用於精確定位的照相機和用於快速、準確定位更復雜圖形的基於視覺的定位工具。除了打印功能外,Gemini還配備了內置的預註冊資產,可以在打印前將圖形精確放置到基板上。該機還具有皮帶視覺模型和超聲波焊接傳感器,以確保多色圖形的準確定位。此外,DEK Gemini還配備了一個閉環設備,提供從工作到工作的可重復的準確性和一致性。該系統還具有流程控制功能,如變速設置、溫度控制和曝光設置,允許從運行到運行的完美註冊和良好的邊緣定義。在圖像質量方面,雙子座能夠以最高的準確度和分辨率提供清晰、精確的圖形、文本和圖像復制品。機器能夠重現多種顏色,包括四色印刷品,非常適合多種類型的印刷應用。總體而言,DEK Gemini是當今市場上最好、最先進的絲網印刷機之一。它高效,提供卓越的打印質量和精確度,能夠滿足最嚴格的行業標準。