二手 JASCO V-670 #9081051 待售


ID: 9081051
優質的: 2012
Spectrophotometer Double-beam, dual grating monochromator utilizing PMT and PbS detectors Wavelength range: 190-2700nm (190-3200nm option) Bandwidth: 0.1 – 10nm (variable UV/Vis) 0.4 – 40nm (variable NIR) Absorbance range: -2 to 4Abs (UV/Vis) -2 to 3Abs (NIR) Stray light: 0.005% (UV/Vis) 0.1% (NIR) Wavelength accuracy: +/- 0.1nm Wavelength reproducibility: +/- 0.05nm Scan rate: 10 – 4000nm/min. Slew speed: 12,000nm/min 48,000nm/min (NIR) Data interval: 10msec (time course) Features: IQ Accessory recognition Monochromator stepping and dark correction modes for high or narrow Abs peaks Spectra Manager II control & analysis software (CFR ver. available as an option) Standard analysis programs: kinetics, film thickness, color analysis Sample handling accessories available as options (Peltier, multi-cell changers, integrating spheres, reflectance, etc.) ARMN-735: Automated Absolute Reflectance Accessory (UV-Vis/NIR): Measurements for spectral range of 250-2200 nm (V-670 model only) ARG-476 Absolute Reflectance Accessory Polarizer: Glan-Taylor polarizer specific for Absolute Reflectance Accessories ARV-730, ARN-731, ARSV-732, ARSN-733, ARMV-734 and ARMN-735 Provides polarization angles of 0-90 degrees for incident light onto samples 6708-H460A Wide Incident Angle Sample Holder – Automated Accessory SMS-V Spectra Manager Software suite for V-600 Dell OptiPlex 390 Desktop PC: OptiPlex 390 Desktop, Pentium G850 2.9 GHz processor 4GB Ram, 1333 MHz USB Keyboard, USB 2-Button Entry Mouse with scroll feature Dell UltraSharp P2210 Flat Panel with Height Adjustable Stand, 22 inch viewable area 250 GB HDD, 3 GB/s and 8 Mbyte burst cache 16X DVD+/-RW Combo drive Windows 7 Professional, 32-bit, English, Factory Install RoHS Compliant, Lead Free Chassis and Motherboard Energy Star 5.0 Category B compliant CPU ProSupport 3 Year Service Plan 2-port PCI low profile RS232 Serial Adapter card 2012 vintage.
JASCO V-670是一種用於同時分光光度分析的UV-Vis分光光度計。其波長範圍為190-1100nm,可以用1nm步長分辨率直接測量樣品,具有很大的通用性。該儀器具有0.3%的精確度和0.1%的可重復性,並有一個可容納16個10毫米圓形或矩形燈泡的大樣板隔間。它還具有一個自動波長調諧,溫度控制波長精度,和可變狹縫寬度。JASCO V 670是一種單束儀器,帶有鎢鹵素燈以產生波長的光。為了得到光譜,光被分裂,通常是通過光柵,然後投射到探測器上。該探測器能夠從0.0003計數到100Abs,使其適合各種不同的應用。該儀器具有多項創新功能,可進行精確的樣品測量。其中,它配備了獨特的運動補償技術,有助於防止光譜受到樣品運動的影響。它還提供了一個獨特的軟件功能,允許用戶自定義查看參數以更好地觀察顯示器上的光譜曲線。V-670包括內置的Quanlynx軟件包,旨在實現定量分析。該工具有助於優化校準曲線,其峰值檢測器功能可以快速識別吸收和廣播信號的峰值位置。軟件還讓用戶從光譜中計算樣本濃度,這樣就可以輕松量化結果。總體而言,V670是一種高效、通用、精確的UV-Vis分光光度法儀器。它配備了許多功能,使其適合各種研究和測試應用。它提供了可靠、精確的數據,可以快速獲取和分析。