二手 PERKIN ELMER Lambda 750 #9266168 待售


ID: 9266168
Double beam UV / VIS / NIR spectrometer Double monochromator Spectral range: 190 nm - 3300 nm With computer LENOVO Monitor, 23" Optical unit includes: Pre-aligned halogen tungsten Protected reflection optical system (SiO2 Coating) Deuterium lamps (With lifetime counter) With automatic source change Holographic grating monochromator: 1440 Lines / mm UV / Blazed screw at 240 nm and 360 lines / mm NIR blazed at 1100 nm Mounting type littrow Chopper: 46+ Hz Cycle: Black / Sample / Black / Reference Chopper Segment Signal Correction (CSSC) Detector optics with sample thickness compensation R955 Photomultiplier detector with high energy efficiency in UV / VIS spectral range Pelt thermostatted PbS detector for NIR spectral range Variable spectral bandwidths: 0.17 nm to 5.00 nm UV / VIS 0.20 nm to 20.00 nm NIR in 0.01 nm Increments Large sample compartment and detectors With interchangeable modules Technical specifications: Stray light at 220, 340 and 370 nm: <0.0001% T Stray light at 1420 nm: <0.0004% T Stray light at 1690 nm: <0.0015% T Stray light at 2365 nm: <0.002% T Accuracy in wavelength: ± 0.15 nm in UV / Visible ± 0.5 nm in NIR Reproducibility in wavelength: <0.06 nm in UV / Visible <0.1 nm in NIR Photometric accuracy: ± 0.0012 A at 1 A (Double aperture method) ± 0.0006 A at 0.3 A (Double aperture method) ± 0.003 A at 1 A using NIST 930D filter ± 0.003 A at 2 A using NIST 1930D filter ± 0.002 A at 0.5 A using NIST 930D filter Photometric reproducibility: <0.0008 A Photometric range: 6A Photometric stability: <0.0002 A / Hour.
PERKIN ELMER Lambda 750分光光度計是一種高性能、多波長吸收分光光度計,對液體和固體樣品提供可靠、精確、可重復的分析。這臺儀器配備了雙光束光學系統,使其能夠在高達25個不同波長的185-890 nm範圍內同時進行測量。Lambda 750還具有低雜光、快速掃描速率和高分辨率,使用戶能夠準確快速地測量小濃度。該分光光度計能夠同時測量三個吸收值(Abs、%T和Conc),從而能夠更快地進行樣品分析。除了其快速測量能力外,PERKIN ELMER Lambda 750還提供了卓越的光度精度,隨著時間的推移通過校準得以保持。該儀器設計用於實驗室和現場,其輕巧、便攜式設計確保了易用性。它配備了車載微處理器和7英寸觸摸屏顯示屏,便於控制和監控儀器。這種分光光度計還具有用戶選擇的從0.01到10 nm的帶寬分辨率。可選的Wi-Fi連接允許無線訪問在線軟件包以增強用戶控制。Lambda 750設計用於廣泛的分光光度學應用,例如吸收率、透射率和濃度測量。它配備了強大的LED光源,確保了穩定、可重復的測量。該設備還具有廣泛的樣品持有者選擇,使其能夠容納所有類型的樣品容器,如石英小管、細胞和小瓶。這種分光光度計設計為免費維護,其先進的診斷檢測任何錯誤或操作問題快速方便。綜上所述,PERKIN ELMER Lambda 750是一款功能強大、用途廣泛的分光光度計,對液體和固體樣品提供快速、精確、可重復的分析。由於它能夠同時進行多次測量和更高的分辨率,這種設備是各種應用的理想選擇。