二手 BALZERS LLS 801 #293714638 待售

ID: 293714638
Sputtering system
DC and RF sputtering
RF etching
Working chambers
Load lock chamber
Main chamber
(3) Gases
Spare parts:
(12) Substrate holders carousel
(4) Infrared heating units MC chambers
(3) Dust-proof metal cabinet
Pressure tank liquid Nitrogen
End electron tube RF source
Annealing oven, 1200°C
Vacuum pumping system
DUO 030A Rotary vane pump
Pumping speed: 30 m³/sec
Partial pressure: 1.3 x 10^-4 mbar
Turbomolecular pump type: TPH 170
Pumping speed: 170l/sec
Rotation speed: 43,000 rpm
Final pressure: 5 x 10^-8 up to 1 x 10^-9 mbar
CRYOGENIC Pump type: UC 010 229-T
Helium gas purity: 99.995%
Max pressure: 21.7 kg / cm² and 1.0 m³ / min at 50 Hz
Vacuum measurement and control:
PIRANI cold catode type: PKG 100
Measuring range: 1 x 10³ - 4 x 10^-10 mbar
Ionization scale type: IMG 060 B
Measuring range IMR 110 max: 10 x 10^-1 mbar min 1 x 10^-6 mbar
Measuring range IMR 120 max: 1 x 10^-2 mbar min 1 x 10^-9 mbar
Multi pirani meter:
LC chamber
MC chamber
Measuring range: 1 x 10³ - 5.6 x 10^-4 mbar
(3) DC magnetron
(3) DC sputtering
RF magnetron
RF sputtering
(4) HIY tesla infrared lamps
Power supply: 2400k, 230V, 1kW
Power supply:
DC source type: MPS 120
Power: 20 kW
Input: 38.2 VA
RF source type: RFL 102
Power: 2 kW
Frequency: 13.56 kHz
(2) Block tunings.