二手 PERKIN ELMER 4410 #9201791 待售

ID: 9201791
晶圓大小: 8"
Sputtering system, 8"
Wafer loading: Manual
With load lock
Cathodes: Delta shape, 3 max
Sputter methods: RF / DC
Gas lines: 1~3 MFC
Gas lines with MFC
Lamp tower alarm with buzzer:
Mechanical pump / Dry pump for process chamber and load lock
Independent mechanical pump / Dry pump for process chamber
Chiller for cooling plates and table
Turbo pump for load lock
Load lock lamp heating function: Up to 200°C
Chamber lamp heating function: Up to 300°C
Plasma etch function
Bias function
Co sputter function
Reactive sputter function
Main frame
28" Diameter SST chamber top plate with ports and cathodes:
Configuration 4400 4410 / 4450
Cathode shape Circle Delta
Cathode size 8" Delta
Cathode quantity 1 to 4 1 to 3
Sputter power supply:
4400 4410 / 4450
DC Power 5 kW 5 kW / 10 kW
RF Power 1kW / 2kW 2 kW / 3 kW
Pulse DC Power 5 kW 5 kW / 10 kW
Process chamber:
8" Diameter x 12" High stainless steel cylinder with 6"
CF Flange view port and load lock port
28" Diameter stainless steel base plate
11/2" Air operated roughing isolation valve
Air operated gas inlet valve
Air operated vent valve
11/2" Blanked-off leak check port
Removable deposition shields
23" Diameter, 3-position water cooled annular substrate
Table with variable speed motorized table drive
Full circle shutter and vane shutter
Chain drive pallet carrier transport
Heavy duty electric hoist
Load lock:
30" x 28" x 8" Stainless steel load lock chamber
Aluminum cover
Chain drive pallet carrier transport
2" Air operated roughing isolation valve
Air operated vent valve
23" Diameter molybdenum annular substrate pallet
Elevator for pallet up and down function
Vacuum systems for process chamber:
(2) Stage cryo pumps
With 1000 l/s pumping speed for air
Water cooled compressor and lines
Automatic regeneration controller
Plumbing kit, 71/2"
Aluminum air operated gate valve: 6" ASA
Air operated venetian blind throttling valve
Mechanical pump or dry pump for process: 36.7 Cfm
Chamber and load lock
Replaced obsolete controls:
Auto pump down controller
Load lock controller
Digital clock timer
Table raise / Lower control
Throttle valve control system
Pressure control system
Sputter head controls
Gas line with MFC
Ar, 200 SCCM, customized
Power box: AC 380 V / 208 V / 3 Phase.
PERKIN ELMER 4410是一款濺射設備,設計具有高度通用的功能集,使其成為電氣、微電子和半導體應用的熱門選擇。這個能力很強的系統由兩個主要組成部分組成;噴槍和一個裝有控制和動力部件的集成底盤。4410心臟的濺射槍有40至350瓦之間的可調電源。這允許用戶根據當前項目或應用程序的需要定制設備的沈積速率。此外,濺射槍設計高度模塊化,使其能夠使用各種不同的濺射目標,包括蒸發、磁控管和二極管設計。PERKIN ELMER 4410的集成機箱是控制和所有電源組件所在的位置。控制單元便於自動操作以及手動模式選項。這包括可以指定壓力和溫度等參數的預編程操作過程,以及用於微調濺射過程的手動操作。電源單元由多個變壓器和整流器組成,這些變壓器和整流器需要將傳入的交流電源轉換為濺射槍所需的直流電源。4410設計用於潔凈室式環境,設計時考慮到安全性。它包含一個緊急關閉按鈕,以便在緊急情況下能夠快速關閉機器,並且它的廢氣在外面排出,以確保危險材料的最小暴露。綜上所述,PERKIN ELMER 4410是一款多功能、高性能的濺射工具,具有出色的控制和動力元件,可以用於多種工業和研究相關應用。它是為特殊的安全而設計的,並配有模塊化濺射槍和集成控制裝置,用戶可以放心地為當前項目的精確需求定制自己的資產。