二手 SIGMA Sputtering System #193698 待售

ID: 193698
Roll to roll sputtering system
8 Ball Vacuum Chamber & Chassis
(2) CTI Model 1020CP Cold Head Cryo Pump
(2) CTI Model 1020R Compressors
Leybold RuVac WS500 Roots Blower
Sliding Door Face Plate
Sputtering system:
RF Matching Networks
Mass Flow Controllers
Web system:
(4) Black Max Motors & Gearboxes (Unwind, rewind, drum and tension drive)
Chilled Drum
Drum Motor Stand
Control system:
Human Machine Interface (HMI) - An operator touch-screen for manual and automated operations
HMI - A Eurotherm Drives touchscreen for web control
Eurotherm Control Cabinet & Network
General Control Panel
Utilities and accessories:
Air Compressor
Cathode Cooling Water Manifold
Flexible Electric Trunking
Vent and interlocks
Cryo gate
Cryo throttle
Convection gauges (low mtorr range)
Baratron gauges
Ion gauges
Hydrogen vapor pressure gauges
Tension drive, load cells and amplifiers
Drum rotation motor and gearbox
Rewind and unwind motors
Gas system and control
PLC card
Signal connections
Auto pumping
Rewind and unwind control
Plasma treater
Sputtering controls: manual, regulate and direct mode
RF control, DC control
Maintenance mode
Missing parts:
Leybold DK200 rough pump (rotary piston pump)
DK200 Gearbox
(2) Cryo Throttle Valves (Butterfly Valves)
(1) Cryo-pump gate valve
(2) Hydrogen Vapor Pressure Gauges
Ion Gauge
Baratron Gauge
(4) Convectron Gauges
(6) Pneumatic Valves (regeneration valves for cryo pumps; purge valves for cryo pumps, rough pump Vent valves)
Chamber Connecting Flange for Drum Feed-through
Tension Roller Feed-through
Unwind/Rewind Feed-through
(6) DC Cathodes (40” x 6”)
(6) MDX 5 KW sputtering power supplies
Gas Control System
Gas Lines
(3) Load cells
(3) Load Cell Amplifiers
(1) Unwind/Rewind Shafts
Steel Pressure Plate for Floor
Gantry System and Crane (parts missing)
Door Drive Train
Side Steps to gain access to Cathodes
Steel Ladder
480 V, 3 phase, approx. 1,000 A.
SIGMA濺射設備是一種先進的、最先進的濺射系統,旨在將薄膜沈積到基板上。用於多種應用,如半導體器件制造、光學塗層、研發、醫療等多個行業。該單元由一個小腔室組成,該小腔室內充斥著氙氣,以及一個電壓設置可變的電源。一種目標材料,如鋁或鈦,放置在腔內的陰極板上,並帶正電荷生成等離子體。等離子體產生電離的等離子體粒子流,轟擊目標物質,釋放帶正電的離子。這些離子隨後被吸引到帶負電的基板表面,金屬原子在薄層中沈積到基板上。SIGMA Sputtering Machine由一個精密的軟件套件控制,允許用戶設置廣泛的參數以達到最佳效果。用戶可以調整各種參數來優化工具,如沈積速率、離子濃度和隨時間的沈積均勻性。該軟件還允許用戶監測和控制沈積速率,使他們能夠根據需要停止和啟動,而不會幹擾最終沈積過程。濺射資產還具有幹式濺射模型,有助於防止不需要的顆粒附著在基板上。設備配有後加工幹蝕刻,通過去除基板表面可能存在的任何顆粒或汙染物,進一步凈化沈積層。此外,SIGMA Sputtering System還提供各種附件,例如樣品進紙器、晶圓處理程序、盒式磁帶和夾具,以及使設備更通用的其他功能。總體而言,濺射機是一種先進、可靠的金屬沈積應用解決方案.它具有很高的可自定義性,為用戶提供了多種參數可供選擇,以實現所需的結果。此外,其幹法和後工藝蝕刻特性確保了均勻和純凈的沈積層。