二手 ISIS SENTRONICS SemDex 301-34 #9129394 待售


ID: 9129394
優質的: 2013
Wafer metrology system Maximum accessible diameter: 210 mm (StraDex a3-50) Accessible rotation: 90° / 180° Auto focus StraDex a3 - 50 (Precision mechanical bearing) StraDex f24 - 300 (Airbearing) Antivibration plate below chuck Optical wavelengths: StraDex a3 - 50: ~500 nm (Maximum height evaluation 120 μm) StraDex f24 - 300: 1300 nm (Minimum silicon thickness 10 μm) (2) Calibrated silicon objects: 123 μm thick plate with 10 nm roughness 300 μm thick plate with 1 nm roughness Technical specifications: Sensor system: StraDex a3 - 50 (top left): Field-of-view: (0.35 mm)^2 Lateral pixel size: 0.35 μm Working distance: 3.5 mm Auto-focus range: 4 mm Maxmimum warp: <3 mm Maximum Z-height: 60 μm (High-resolution ) / 120 μm Repeatability (high-resolution): 0.5 nm (In-plane), 3 nm (step) Total acquisition time: Type 4 seconds, 1 seconds (Reduced FOV) Maximum focusing speed: 200 pm/s StraDex f24 - 300 (Top & Bottom center): Spot size: 24 μm Auto-focus range: 24 - 44 mm Maximum warp: 1.5 mm Maximum acquisition rate (Fast mode): 4 kHz Thickness (Silicon): 10-350 μm (Fast mode) 10 - 800 μm (Slow mode) Thickness (Glass, Polymer): 20 - 750 μm (Fast mode) 20 - 1000 μm (Slow mode) Acquisition rate: <4 kHz Accuracy and repeatability conditions: Surface roughness Rz < 0.1 μm Confidence range: 2 Sigma Thickness sensor (Stradex f24 - 300) performance: Absolute accuracy: < +/- 0.5 μm Repeatability (fast mode): < +/- 0.1 μm Repeatability (slow mode): < +/- 0.5 μm Stage: Maximum X / Y Travel range: 300 x 300 mm^2 Maximum velocity: 30 mm/s Lateral accuracy: 2 μm Maximum height variation repeatable: 2 μm Free positioning via keypads Anti-vibration table Air suspension Perforated vacuum: Chuck for double side (Swiss cheese) Unframed and framed wafers for 6"-12" Inter-center spacing: 10 mm Holes at 20 mm Vacuum for wafer suction (6 Bar air pressure required) Computer: Intel i7 with screen (2) HDD Raids With (2) 1TB Fan filter unit: ISO Class 10 Housing: White powdered coating Data interface: LAN Temperature: 10°C-35°C Power supply: 100-240 V, 50-60 Hz, 3kW Barcode scanner Barcode and recipe SECS/GEM Extension: SEMI (E 30, E 37, E 5) Includes Recipe handling (RMS) 2013 vintage.
ISIS SENTRONICS SemDex 301-34是為半導體生產、檢驗和封裝應用而設計的晶圓測試和計量系統。它由專門為半導體工業開發的先進光學傳感和檢查系統提供動力。它為缺陷檢測、地形分析、電氣表征、叠加和位置定位以及2D/3D晶圓檢測提供了集成解決方案。SemDex 301-34具有多種雕刻和掃描技術來執行過程和計量操作。該單元配備了全套車載成像工具,包括一系列激光、線路掃描和AutoTrack相機。集成了一個正在進行的電氣測試系統,允許實時報告測試設備的電氣參數。ISIS SENTRONICS SemDex 301-34提供了詳細的模具映射功能,允許用戶準確驗證所有缺陷的位置。各種高速掃描模式可用於準確表征整個晶片,而高分辨率成像工具甚至可以檢測到最小的缺陷。無論晶片條件如何,該單元都能提供優異的結果,並且能夠檢查任何大小、形狀和厚度的晶片。SemDex 301-34還具有強大的Overlay和Offset管理功能。實時偏移分析儀提供低至5納米的覆蓋範圍測量,以保證晶圓在掃描過程中的精確對準。為快速、自動化缺陷評估和數據分析提供了批量檢測和模式識別功能。ISIS SENTRONICS SemDex 301-34是用於半導體測試、檢查和封裝需求的功能強大且可靠的工具。它強大的設計和先進的能力使其適合廣泛的應用,從簡單的模具檢查到復雜的過程和計量操作。SemDex 301-34可用於在半導體領域實現更高的收益率,降低成本,並保證最大質量保證。