二手 WAFAB 304 SST #9026919 待售

ID: 9026919
優質的: 2011
Rear access wet bench, 96"
Deck top, tank rails, leg levelers and casters, photohelic exhaust gauge and EMO controller
All PCL controlled
All tanks sized to accommodate a single 6" wafer cassettes
(1) Megasonic recirculating, filtered and heated bath with lid
Includes transducer plate 88S
78101 Generator 900 W, 45 kHz, 208 VAC
Sized for single 6" wafer cassette
Operating at 65°C
Cascading single sided inner weir
SST pneumatic pump
SST filter chamber for 10" single open end filter and 222 O-rings
Includes redundant over-temperature safety shut-off circuits
N2 liquid level sensor with back pressure switch, flow meter and regulator
Drains to carboy
(2) Stainless steel meg tanks, share the same generator
(2) CFR4561-04 304/316 SST recirculating, heated, filtered bath with lid
Cascading single sided inner weir, with teflon pneumatic pump
SST filter chamber for 10" single open end filter 222 O-rings
Operating at 65°C
Includes redundant over-temperature safety shut-off circuits
N2 liquid level sensor with back pressure switch, flow meter and regulator
Drains to carboy
(1) UTR4561-04 304/316 ambient ultrasonic recirculating filtered tank, 1 kW ultrasonic power at 104 kHz
Includes ultrasonic power control and output monitor
Includes cascading single sided inner weir, SST pneumatic pump, and SST filter chamber for 10" single open end 222 O-rings
N2 liquid level sensor with back pressure switch, flow meter and regulator
Drains to carboy
(5) EQDR4561-01 Polypropylene quick dump rinsers with a 4-sided cascading inner weir
Top adjustable spray rails
External bottom fill rails
Polypropylene pneumatic DI water valves
Polypropylene plumbing lines, pneumatic double dump door with Viton O-ring seals
(2) Wafab SST 10 gallon carboys with standard interlocks and safeties
(1) Pumping station (for emergency pump out to carboy)
(1) UTS-121212-GN-01 polypropylene utility sink with gooseneck, 12" x 12" x 12" deep
(2) DI/N2 guns
(1) Koetter fire protection design package for Wafab Intl bench design
CO2 fire detection and suppression system with electro polished 316 stainless steel spray nozzles, IR detectors, main control panel, remote manual pull station, strobe light with audible alarm, electrical discharge head and (2) 75# CO2 bottles
2011 vintage.
WAFAB 304 SST是為滿足各種食物準備需求而設計的濕式車站。這個多功能的工作臺采用不銹鋼工作臺,帶有凸起的一件式防濺板,提供保護和密封。其集成的水槽和一件式後擋板為快速高效的食品制備提供了易於清潔的理想表面。不銹鋼支撐結構提供了最大的剛度和強度,而不滑動的可調腳則提供了牢固的基礎。安裝的水龍頭和沖洗前噴霧為清潔工作提供方便的溫冷水。304 SST站設有一個深碗水槽,由304型不銹鋼制成,帶有鍍鋅鋼框架。大方的14口徑碗容量大,設計效率最高。包括的可調排水板補充了整體設計,並為排水盤子和器具提供了額外的工作空間。此外,WAFAB 304 SST站的鍍鋅鋼管支撐結構為1-1/2英寸,帶有雙面切口,為存儲或其他用途提供了更多的空間。304 SST設計了可調節的貨架,使用戶能夠根據自己的特定需求定制自己的站臺。這些貨架可以很容易地調整高度,以便容納更大的物品。WAFAB 304 SST還具有鎖定抽屜幻燈片,用於安全存儲器皿和小型物品。304 SST耐用,打造持久。該濕站采用厚規格、耐銹不銹鋼結構,工作表面采用1/8英寸厚的透明速幹環氧塗層,確保耐用和易於清潔。出色的11個規格焊接角和精密焊接接縫,使本站既堅固又吸引人。WAFAB 304 SST是NSF評級,符合所有必要的安全和衛生標準。為了提高安全性和可訪問性,304 SST配備了集成的GFI插座條,該插座條具有方便訪問的插座,可為必要的物品供電。這個濕站還有一個內置的肥皂分配器,方便清洗器皿和廚具。WAFAB 304 SST是一個實用可靠的濕式站,非常適合任何食品服務環境.它提供了任何廚房操作所需的必要的多功能性、強度和效率。304 SST具有堅固的結構、易於清潔的表面以及充足的存儲和工作空間,是滿足任何餐飲或食品準備需求的理想站點。