二手 AGILENT / HP / HEWLETT-PACKARD / KEYSIGHT 5DX Series 3 #9069984 待售

ID: 9069984
X-ray system
Left to right
Double top opening
Laser Class 1
Operating system: NT4
Version: 4.00.1381
Lasers: (1), predisposed for (2)
PC controller: Kayak UX800
Total test speed: 80 to 140 joints/second (~1.0 in2/sec)
Image acquisition time: Up to 5 images per second
Alignment time: 3 to 8 seconds (depending on panel size)
Load/unload time: 12 seconds per panel for pass-through mode; 15 seconds for pass-back mode
Surface map time (points/second): Up to 5 points/sec (typical map density is 1 point/645 to 2,580 sq mm (1 to 4 sq in))
False call rate: Typical false call rate of 500 to 1000 ppm (2)
Minimum feature detection capability
Joint pitch:: 0.3 mm & up (0.012 in & up) (3)
Short width (at 5 mm (0.2 in) FOV) (4): 0.045 mm (0.0018 in); Model 5400: 0.035 mm (0.0014 in)
Solder height: 0.0127 mm (0.0005 in)
Panel Specifications:
Panel handling size (width x length):
Maximum: 457 x 609 mm (18.0 x 24.0 in)
Minimum: 102 x 127 mm (4.0 x 5.0 in) (2)
Aspect ratio: length ≥ 0.5 x panel width (1)
Maximum inspection area: 445 x 597 mm (17.5 x 23.5 in)
Panel thickness (3):
Maximum: 3.2 mm (0.125 in)
Minimum: 0.5 mm (0.020 in)
Top clearance: 9.4 to 25.0 mm (0.37 to 1.0 in) (4)
Bottom clearance: 30 mm (1.2 in) (4)
Panel edge clearance: 3 mm (0.118 in) on parallel edges of the panel
Panel width tolerance: +/- 0.7 mm (0.0275 in)
Panel weight (including optional panel carrier):
Maximum: 4.5 kg (10 lb)
Minimum: 0.03 kg (0.066 lb)
Maximum acceptable panel temperatures (at time of load): 40ºC (104ºF)
2000 vintage.
AGILENT/HP/HEWLETT-PACKARD/KEYSIGHT 5DX系列3是一款先進的X射線設備,專為各種工業、科學和醫療應用而設計。HP 5DX Series 3具有多像素檢測器和高分辨率成像系統,該系統結合了多種組件,可提供高分辨率圖像和卓越的產品吞吐量。該設備采用專用的多元素X射線源、光學耦合數字信號處理器參數配置,實現了快速、方便的機器設置和樣品更換。該探測器由一大組可單獨編程和掃描的線性照片二極管陣列組成,能夠提高成像速度和精度。AGILENT 5DX系列3還具有高速柱移動模式和多種計算機控制的X射線光束功能,使其比以往任何時候都更加可靠高效。5DX工具3具有直觀且用戶友好的圖形用戶界面,使復雜的操作易於理解和管理。它還具有集成的材料科學圖像分析工具包,為數據驅動的決策提供精確的分析。這一先進的成像資產提供了快速的吞吐量、高信噪比圖像、擴展的缺陷大小覆蓋範圍以及降低的零件成本。它還為Kicad、LabView和Matlab等程序提供增強的可編程性支持。總體而言,5DX系列3是一款先進、通用且經濟實惠的X射線機型,可提供高分辨率圖像和卓越的產品吞吐量。5DX Equipment 3直觀的圖形用戶界面、先進的成像系統和集成的材料科學圖像分析工具包使其成為工業和科學應用的理想選擇。