二手 BRUKER D8 Advance #9212881 待售
ID: 9212881
優質的: 2013
X-Ray diffractometer
To analyze thin layers (Thickness: 10 nm< >30 μm): LiCo O2 and other based Li materials
Protective enclosure with ergonomic access to experimental area
Cu X-ray tube
THETA Vertical goniometer to measure horizontal sample
Goniometer angular mode range: 0°-140°
Focusing and parallel beam geometry
Parameters measurement conditions and optics
Detect differences between parameters and required parameters in the recipe
Measure decoupled mode used in bragg brentano geometry
Detector used in 0-D mode
X,Y, Z Motorized sample stage managed with Z movement up to 25 mm
Optimized system for fast and accurate sample positioning with no limitation of angular range
Axial soller slits for intensity and peak profile optimization
Optics package for parallel beam with two secondary optics
Masks set to adjust the beam footprint in both geometry (Bragg brentano and parallel beam)
Sealed cell to perform X-ray diffraction in inert atmosphere
High resolution linear detector with high count rate
Energy discrimination and low background noise
For alignment system and parallel beam geometry
Fluorescence and Kbeta artifact suppression without secondary monochromator
Optimized acquisition time
Multi users access level: Operator and engineering mode
Integrated chiller system to ensure X-ray tube integrity
Tube type
Hours on tube
2013 vintage.
BRUKER D8 Advance是一款高性能的X射線衍射(XRD)設備,配有模塊、附件和軟件,用於廣泛的先進X射線衍射應用。該系統是為物料的表征而設計的。它以三圓衍射模式運作,使其適合分析晶體樣品和非晶體材料。該單元包括一個X射線源、一個探測器組件、一個樣品支架和一個光學各向同性的樣品級。X射線源設計用於提供特定應用的特定帶寬和波長。探測器組件被配置為能夠敏感檢測X射線衍射數據的範圍內的感興趣的角度晶體學特征。樣品持有者包括各種存放各種樣品的設備,包括取向單晶、粉末樣品和液體電池。光學各向同性樣品級是機器的基本組成部分,允許樣品相對於X射線光束精確定位。該工具針對各種樣品的靈活成像和從頭開始數據收集進行了優化。D8 Advance由一系列軟件應用程序提供支持,這些應用程序支持對資產的各個方面進行高級控制。軟件應用程序為用戶提供用於樣本對齊、數據采集、數據分析、紋理分析和樣本準備的廣泛工具。軟件支持與許多其他數據采集和分析工具集成,如10 x Detector+、PowderCell+和3D重建軟件包。BRUKER D8 Advance包括自動校準和快速樣品交換的選項,以及廣泛的後處理功能,如峰值擬合和晶體尺寸確定。D8 Advance提供了與其他XRD系統相比的顯著優勢,包括在不同條件下收集和分析數據的出色穩定性和準確性。它還被設計成小巧、易於使用、極其靈敏。BRUKER D8 Advance是研究和工業實驗室中廣泛的XRD應用的理想解決方案。