二手 DNS / DAINIPPON SR-3000-AV #9280980 待售

ID: 9280980
晶圓大小: 12"
優質的: 2003
Scrubber, 12" Loading position type: Left side Backup disk SELOP3 Composition: Indexer Slide table unit Load port Process main body SR Cabinet Canister cabinet (2) Drain cabinets Controller cabinet Power box Exhaust box VAC Pump cabinet Indexer: (2) FOUPs Wafer arm: Vacuum less (4) Wafer arm drives (X, Y, Z, θ Axis) Spin unit (SR): (2) SR Heads IPA Main nozzle Sub nozzle type: Soft spray / D.I Rinse / Remover Chemical solution pipelines: Remover nozzle D.I.W Rinse nozzle Back rinse nozzle TR Unit: Wafer detection: Transmission photo sensor Wafer arm: Wafer guide type (4) Wafer arm drives (X, Y, Z, θ Axis) Material of wafer arm Oven unit : Low pressure DPH: 50° to 250°C IPA Vapor CP: 20° to 25°C Chemicals: D.I.W IPA Remover (Stripper 104) Tower lamp: Green, Blue, Yellow, Red ((4) Colors) Power supply: 3Ø, 208 V, 40.46 kW, 20 A 2003 vintage.