二手 ULTRATECH 1500 #9190984 待售
ID: 9190984
優質的: 1994
Stepper, 3"-8"
Round wafers
Stage type: X, Y, & theta, air bearing, laser metered
Vibration control: Isolated granite table
Computer / Printer type: HEWLETT-PACKARD 362 Controller, graphics monitor / Enclosed impact printer, cleanroom paper, cart based
Wafer handling: Cassette-to-cassette autoloader, SEMI standard
Imaging & lens:
Feature size: 1.0 μm, Over full field
DOF (1 μm resist): 3.0 μm (± 1.5 μm), ± 10% CD control over full field area
Wafer leveling: Site-by-site / Global
Lens distortion: 160 nm, 100%, Maximum X / Y Vector
Reference lens matching: 180 nm, 100% Maximum X / Y Vector matched to reference lens
Max image area: 34.2 x 13.6 mm, 465.1 mm²
Largest square: 18.0 x 18.0 mm, 324.0 mm²
Longest rectangle: 39.0 x 11.4 mm, 444.6 mm²
Exposure spectrum: 390-450 nm Broadband, includes g- & H-lines
Exposure uniformity: ± 3.0%, Includes uniformity & repeatability
Wafer plane intensity: >= 1000 mW/cm²
Lamp type: 200 Watt, pulsed to 500 watts during exposure, Hg arc lamp
Alignment & alignment system:
Site-by-site alignment: ± 150 nm, 100%
Alignment target size (WAS): 180 μm cross
which requires 200 μm horizontal scribe, two required per field
Alignment spectrum (WAS): 500-650 nm Broadband
General specifications:
Wafer size / Steps per wafer / Throughput (WPH):
75 / 9 / 105
100 / 16 / 95
125 / 24 / 75
150 / 35 / 55
200 / 61 / 30
Wafer size in mm, >= 90% wafer coverage, exposure dose of 100 mJ/cm²
Reticle load & align time: <= 90 seconds, 3 x 5 x 0.090 inch reticle
Field change time: <= 10 seconds
Substrate type: 3 x 5 x 0.090 inch QUARTZ, 5 x 5 x 0.090 inch option
Chrome type: Anti reflective
Pellicle standoff: 1.5 mm, All fields in usable row protected
Fields per reticle row: 2-5 Affects max X field dimension
UV lamp: 200W (Hg)
Alignment accuracy: +/- 0.18μm
Substrates: 150mm and 100mm with adapted substrate holder
Laser need repair
1994 vintage.
ULTRATECH 1500晶圓步進器是ULTRATECH的頂級微電子製造設備。它旨在對半導體晶片進行精確的光刻處理,同時提供卓越的生產力、精度和質量。1500晶片步進器能夠處理直徑達7英寸的晶片,最大分辨率為1微米。該系統具有先進的光學裝置,具有光學變焦和自動對焦功能,可精確對準基板並成像。它還包括一套全面的測控功能,包括亞像素精度、場均勻性,以及對圖案大小和形狀的完全用戶控制。ULTRATECH 1500 Wafer Stepper使用高精度的步進臺式和運動學聯軸器對基板和層進行精確對齊。其軟件配備了自動對齊、平版印刷和數據管理工具,便於作業設置和監控。該機還擁有一個符合人體工程學設計的工作區域,以提供舒適和高效的操作。1500晶圓步進器操作可靠且經濟。它能夠處理各種基材,從薄膜到彎曲電路。它還被設計為與所有標準的光學印刷工藝和概念兼容。ULTRATECH 1500晶圓步進器是一種堅固可靠的機器,能夠滿足光刻加工的最高標準。其先進的特性使其成為制造任何類型微電子器件的強大工具。其高品質的性能和低廉的運營成本使其成為高級生產工藝的絕佳選擇。